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Stone with Woodford Playgroup
A warm and caring environment where children feel safe, secure and have fun by learning through play which was rated GOOD by OFSTED in 2022.
Keeping in Touch
​We communicate with parents in several ways regarding the setting and/or their child. We also encourage parents to get involved with their child's sessions and welcome any volunteers who would like to donate their time.
Newsletters and Notices
Parents receive termly newsletter and any event of information notices are displayed on the noticeboard.
Verbal Communication
Parents can talk to staff at drop off and collection, when staffing allows. Parents can always ask to arrange a meeting if they wish to talk to staff at another time.
Communication Books
​When a child attends more than one setting we give them a Communication Book to enable communication between settings. Parents do not have to share the book with the other setting if they do not wish too. It contains any achievements and what the child enjoys or has been interested in at our setting. This enables us to work with the other setting to enhance your child's learning and development.
Parents can also add comments in these books for the setting(s) to see and is a way for parents and staff to communicate.
If your child only attends our setting, we feel direct communication is best for our small setting, however if you would like a Communication book for your child please let us know. .
​Record Keeping
Here at Stone with Woodford Playgroup, each child gets their own individual scrapbook where staff keep artwork that your child has completed throughout their time with us.
Each child will have a detailed individual plan which helps us monitor your child to ensure they reach their learning goals.
We undertake an initial 2 Year Check, if your child is under 3 years old and Summative Assessments termly (Autumn, Spring and Summer) to track your child's developmental and learning progress. These assessments help to provide areas a child needs further development or extending in which feeds into our session planning.
We complete Transition Records, in the child's final term, which are passed onto your child's chosen school, doing these helps schools gain an understanding of children's individual learning development.
All assessments are shared with parents and consent is obtained before passing the Transition Record to the child's school.
All verbal information and written documents concerning the children shall remain confidential between their parents/carers and the staff.
All written records are stored securely in files and locked away after each session.
Individual children’s records are available for parents to see on request.​
Any concerns regarding your child, will be discussed between the staff and the child’s parent/carer and only with an outside agency, should it be deemed necessary, once parental consent has been obtained except in cases where there is a safeguarding concern.
Staff and committee members adhere to our Confidentiality policy and when parents/carers are volunteering their time they must adhere too and respect our Confidentiality policy and not discuss anything they may have heard or seen with any other persons.
Settling in ​
We know that children attending a setting for the first time can become distressed. We will work with parents to ease the child's transition and provide updates during the session, if requested. ​